When a tooth causes persistent problems, extraction might be the best path to better oral health. Modern dental techniques have made tooth removal, including wisdom teeth extraction, a straightforward and effective solution for many dental issues. Whether you’re dealing with painful wisdom teeth, suffering from severe decay, or preparing for dental implants, oral surgery to remove problematic teeth can prevent future complications and improve your overall well-being.
Consider these important reasons your dentist may suggest removing a tooth:
- Deep infections that resist root canal therapy pose a risk of spreading to surrounding teeth and tissue.
- Some teeth need removal to give other teeth the space they need to align properly in your jaw.
- When teeth break off beneath your gums, extraction often becomes the only viable solution.
- Some patients need extractions before getting dental implants or full dentures.
- Teeth weakened by extensive decay might be beyond repair.
- Advanced gum disease can loosen teeth to the point where removal is necessary.
Living with tooth pain or dental problems isn’t something you have to accept. Take the first step toward a healthier smile by scheduling a free consultation with one of our doctors.
Call 708-576-4073 today or to make your appointment at Andrew J. Sampalis, DDS & Associates. We’ll evaluate your situation and determine if tooth removal in Oak Lawn, IL can resolve your dental concerns.